
The Encounter Pt. 2

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

It’s been months since Jeff has seen the tall man, and has left the teen with an empty feeling inside. He’s been spending almost every night in the woods searching for the man, but each time he came up empty on his findings. Tonight wasn’t particularly the best night for Jeff to be on his nightly search, for it was raining down; causing the ground he was walking on to become muddy. Each step he took threatened to push him onto the muddy sea, reaching out to clutch on stray tree branches for some support. The rain got harder and Jeff soon found it difficult to see things from a distance. Looking around, Jeff assumed he was in pretty deep in the woods and decided he should find a place to stay until the storm passes through. After slipping a few times and passing dozens of trees, the killer could see a faint yellow glow hidden behind the gray fog. He made his way towards the little light and soon found himself in front of a small cabin like house. The wet teen opened the door and went inside, as he closed the door behind him, the candle was blown out. Jeff sighed and tried to adjust his eyes in the now dark room, looking for something to relight the candle. He searched in a few drawers he could find and felt around for a match box. Finally finding one, he lit the candle and the room had light once again. Jeff set the candle on one of the drawers.

A shadow creped in the corner of his eye, and he quickly turned around to meet with a rather tall man in a suit. Jeff was surprised to say the least; he wasn’t expecting tonight to be the night he would find him. After all, he had such bad luck with the weather today causing him to stop looking. Jeff snapped back into the situation and realized the guy was probably waiting for him to say something. “Uh, hey.” Jeff said quietly, shifting his eyes from the man back to the wooden floor. “Hello.” Slenderman said. His sudden reply to the teen made Jeff stare up at him with a shocked expression. “Wha- You can talk?!” Slenderman looked at him and cocked his head slightly to the side. “Well, obviously. I’m doing it right now aren’t I?” Jeff pouted. “That’s not what I mean! Well, sorta, oh, you know what I mean! You didn’t talk at all when we last met, how the hell am I supposed to know you can speak?” The flustered teen explained. “Well, you could’ve asked.” The tall man said ‘matter of factly’. Jeff opened his mouth to say something back, but kept it shut. “So, what are you doing here anyway?” Slenderman asked as he went over to sit on the couch that Jeff hasn’t seen before. In fact, He didn’t really get the time to look around when Slendy decided to pop up behind him. He took in his surroundings and saw that the house didn’t seem that little on the inside. There was a nice red couch with two matching chairs, a rug laid out, a book shelf filled with books about who knows what, other decorative items and a little hall that probably led to the bed room or bathroom. Slenderman cleared his throat, catching the killer’s attention again. “Oh, yeah. It’s raining and I came here. Why are you here?” Jeff asked, and went over to sit next to him, but was halted by Slenderman’s hand signaling him not to sit. “What?” The black haired teen questioned and only received the man pointing at him as an answer. Jeff looked down and realized that his once white hoodie now had mud smeared almost everywhere, and was still soaked with rain. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. Go down the hall to your left, the bathroom’s there. Take a shower and I’ll bring you some clothes for you to wear.” Jeff nodded and went to do as he was told. He stripped down and put his wet clothes in the sink. Feeling that the water was warm enough to get rid of the cold chill that the rain has left on him, he stepped inside and cleaned himself. After he was finished, the now clean killer opened the shower curtains and found clothes folded into a neat square shaped pile. He dried himself and put them on. They weren’t bad, a black short sleeved shirt, a pair of dark blue plaid pajama pants and of course, underwear.

Deeming himself presentable enough, Jeff wandered down the hall till he could see Slenderman still on the couch, apparently reading the newspaper. Jeff plopped down next to him and looked up at him. “Whatcha doing?” The teen asked. “Reading.” Slenderman replied, straightening out the papers in his hands in an attempt to tell black haired teen he was busy. Jeff pouted and rested his head on the taller man’s lap, making sure he was able to see him. Slenderman sighed and set his papers aside. “May I help you?” He questioned. Jeff smirked and gave out a long yawn. “Well, now that you mentioned it, where are we sleeping?”
“We?” The taller man asked. The teen cocked his head to the side slightly. “Well, yeah. I mean it’s not like I’m a total stranger. Plus, it’s cold, and I’d rather sleep on a comfy bed than a couch.” Jeff answered. “Fine, the bedroom is a door down to your right from the bathroom.” Jeff raised his eyebrow in an inquiring expression. “Aren’t you coming with?” Slenderman sighed and reached over to grab his newspaper. “I think I’ll stay out here and finish reading.” The teen frowned and snatched the papers from Slendy’s hands, tossing them to the side. “You can finish reading later, right now it’s bedtime!” Jeff exclaimed, dragging Slenderman into the bedroom by his hand. He let go of his hand and quickly crawled under the sheets, patting the empty spot next to him. Slenderman got under the covers, crossing his arms in annoyance. Jeff immediately snuggled up against him, uncrossing his arms so he can rest his head on his chest. Slenderman gave out a huff, and rested his hand on top of the teen’s black hair. Jeff let out a content sigh, and then looked up at the man. “Hey, so…where have you been?”
“You know, I haven’t seen you since…” Jeff trailed off, playing with strands of his hair to find something to make this less awkward. “Oh. I’ve been…around.” Jeff stopped messing with his hair. “Around? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means exactly what it means.” Jeff removed Slendy’s hand from his head and sat up so he was facing him. “So, what you’re telling me is that I’ve been looking for you for fucking months and you’ve been around?” Jeff asked, his face turning a light shade of red from anger. “Well, yes. I mean I saw you wandering around, but I wasn’t sure what for…”  Jeff slammed his fist into the soft cushion of the bed. “Well, maybe you should’ve asked! Maybe you should’ve went up to me and actually asked for my name?! That’s one way you could’ve fucking approached me!” Jeff shouted, his face now a deeper red than it was before. “Well, I obviously didn’t think of that! It’s not like you know my name either!” Slenderman replied, his voice rising slightly. “Actually, I do! Slenderman. See, after you fucking left me on the ground, I went back into the woods, cause you know, I thought you’d be waiting for me, but no. So, I went back to where that guy was with the dead lady, and all I hear from the small crowd that was there was ‘Slenderman’. ‘Slenderman must’ve done this’, ‘Slenderman was here’. Well, they were right. Slenderman was here and now he isn’t, oh, but he’s still around.” Jeff argued, as he scowled at the man. “Why does it matter to you anyway?!” The teen roughly pinned Slenderman down, his teeth bared as he yelled. “It means everything to me! It’s the first time I actually thought that someone could love me, that I wouldn’t have to kill people all the time to feel something, that instead I could have something that ‘normal’ people get to have and I wouldn’t have to worry about them leaving me because of who I am or how I look, because that other person is considered a monster too. But, even then there’s no hope for me!” Hot tears streamed down his face and landed on the other’s face, Jeff pushed himself off the man and distanced himself away from him, wrapping himself in the covers, leaving only a little hole for him to breathe out of. Slenderman glanced over at Jeff, and scooted closer to the shaking teen. He slowly undid the cocoon like state he was in and hugged him from behind. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you wanted to be with me. It’s not like I’m used to these kinds of things…hey…” Slenderman gently pushed Jeff into turning around and facing him. The killer complied and changed his position. Slenderman tilted Jeff’s head up by his chin, and wiped away what was left from his tears. “Well, let’s start with this. Hello, I’m Slenderman. What’s your name?” The teen’s red, puffy eyes looked up at him, and gave a small smile. “Jeff.”
“Well, Jeff, its been a long night. Let’s get some sleep.” Slenderman gave Jeff a small kiss on his forehead and pulled him into a hug. The black haired teen gently tugged on Slendy’s white face and pressed his lips onto his, a hint of saltiness to it from his tears. Jeff parted his lips from the taller man and buried his face into the crook of his neck, a blush creeping onto his face. “I missed this.” Jeff whispered. “Yeah, me too. Goodnight, Jeff.” Slenderman said, using one of his tentacle like beings to turn off the lights so he wouldn’t have to release his hold on Jeff. “Goodnight, Slendy.” Slenderman chuckled slightly at the new nickname, and then drifted off into sleep with his new partner.
Well, it's finally done, as requested. After weeks of being stuck on how to continue this, it's finally finished.
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